Feeling God’s Pleasure

Feeling God’s Pleasure

“The glory of God is man fully alive.” – Irenaeus

I used to think bringing glory to God was something that could only be done in the context of ministry. Things like sharing a testimony, going on a mission trip, participating in service projects, persevering in adversity, worship, and so on. It had never occurred to me that I could bring glory to God by simply being me, and enjoying being who He created me to be.

This made me think of the quote from olympian Eric Lidell, in the movie Chariots of Fire, when he says: “I believe God made me for a purpose, but he also made me fast. And when I run I feel his pleasure.” Obviously his ability to run and do well in events gave him a platform to share his faith with others, and he was able to bring glory to God in that way. But God was glorified every time Eric Lidell ran. Every single time. When he won a medal, and when he didn’t. When he ran for training purposes, competitions, or just for fun. And when he ran with an audience of thousands or an audience of One.

I wonder if that’s what the apostle Paul was referring to in Romans 12:1 when he appeals to us to present our bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is our spiritual worship.

A living sacrifice, not simply meaning the opposite of a dead sacrifice, but meaning to present ourselves as people who are fully alive, walking in freedom, and finding pleasure in being who God created us to be.

Perhaps you love to cook, or draw, or read, or play an instrument, or think, or dance, or sing, or play a sport, or learn, or design, or write, or solve puzzles, or do some other thing not listed here. But, have you ever thought about how by simply being you, and doing the things that you love, you can glorify God and feel His pleasure? I love that glorifying God with my life does not depend on what others think about me, or on whether they think what I do is good or not. It doesn’t even depend on others seeing what I do! So I am free to be me with or without an audience, and know that when I am my most authentic-self, God is being glorified.

May you find a new appreciation of the way God created you, and may you being to feel His pleasure by simply being you.

Your turn!

  • I encourage you to set aside some time to pray, and ask God to reveal to you how you should fill in the following blanks: “I believe God made me for a purpose, but He also made me ____________. And when I _________________, I feel His pleasure.”
    • Read it aloud. What are your thoughts or feelings as you read this?
    • How else can you practice feeling God’s pleasure?

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